Pre-conference courses will be held two weeks before the SIPAIM-SIIM joint conference.

In order to attend the pre-conference courses it is necessary to be registered for the joint SIPAIM-SIIM conference. No additional fee will be charged for attending the courses.

SIPAIM - SIIM 2021: Pre-conference Courses

Course #1

Gabriela de Queiroz

Chief Data Scientist

IBM California leading AI Strategy and Innovations

Saishruthi Swaminathan

Advisory Data Scientist


Responsible AI: Fairness, Transparency, Bias, and Explainability

From everyday applications to complex algorithms, technology has the potential to hide, accelerate and even deepen discrimination, while appearing neutral and even benevolent when compared to the racist practices of an earlier era. In this talk, I present some implications of Artificial Intelligence, exploring some examples where it fails and/or causes a negative impact. We'll look at some of the open source tools available today to try to see if the data or models we create is discriminatory if it's biased, and how we can mitigate it.

Gabriela de Queiroz is a Chief Data Scientist at IBM California leading AI Strategy and Innovations. She drives the AI adoption across existing and potential customers, leads outreach strategy across our open source ecosystem and data science community. Previously she was a Program Director working on Open Source, Data & AI Technologies at IBM.

Saishruthi Swaminathan is an advocate for Trustworthy AI and an Advisory Data Scientist at IBM. She has a Masters in Electrical Engineering specializing in Data Science and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Instrumentation. Her passion is to dive deep into the ocean of data, extract insights, and use AI for social good.

Date: November 4 - 2 pm(Brazilian time)

Register here!

Course #2

The Good, The Bad, and The Awesome Scientific Video

Have you ever needed to record a video for a conference, event, or symposium and struggled with the camera, audio, framing, or lighting? Have you ever tried to produce a screenplay and it sounded too academic? Or tried to put together a few slides and the layout was horrible? Then you cannot miss the course: The good, the bad and the awesome scientific video. This course is offered by Health Cursos and Estúdio 42: the reference filmmaking company in scientific communication videos.

Ulisses Candal is an audiovisual producer and graphic designer with over 11 years of experience. In 2014 he directed the short film Em Cartaz – elected the Best Film in Single Shot, in the 10th Curta8 - Super 8 International Film Festival. In 2012 he co-founded Estúdio 42, and since 2014 he is responsible for the arts and animations of the Nerdologia channel.

Guilherme Ogg is co-owner of Estúdio 42 and an audiovisual producer with over 10 years of experience. He studied Filmmaking at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. He currently produces materials for the companies Market Data, Jovem Nerd, Senac, Amazing Pixel, Alura Online Technology Courses, Kroton, and Coursera.

Date: November 5 - 2 pm(Brazilian time)

Software: DaVinci Resolve 17 (free). Please, install the software before the course

Register here!
Ulisses Candal

Audiovisual producer

Estúdio 42

Guilherme Ogg

Audiovisual producer

Estúdio 42